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Past Events - Fall 2022


Día 1

Zero Trust Day

Chick-fil-A has become a Kubernetes success story with more than 2,600 restaurants using the technology at the edge. In this interview with Alex Crane, Enterprise Architect at Chick-fil-A, we ask why Kubernetes, what the team has learned along the way and what is crucial to its success. In this asked and answered session, you can submit your own questions!

With Alex Crane, Enterprise Architect, Chick-fil-A Corporate

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Keynote: An Interview with Chick-fil-A on Kubernetes

In this lighting talk, Danielle Cook, co-chair of the Cartografos Working Group provides an overview of the CNCF Cloud Native Maturity Model including its purpose and how it should be used.

Danielle Cook, co-chair CNCF Cartografos Group

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Lighting talk: Intro to the CNCF Cloud Native Maturity Model

Most services built in 2022 make use of TLS to prove their identities and to encrypt their network traffic; as such, obtaining TLS certificates using tools like cert-manager is standard practice.

Getting the certificate is only part of the problem, though: the client needs to know how to validate the server's identity and must make a decision on whether to trust the certificate presented by the server. Many services rely on operating system vendors or container base images to solve this problem, but can we do better?

This talk will look at the concepts of trust in TLS, discuss how trust works in Kubernetes and will introduce the "cert-manager/trust" tool from the cert-manager project which aims to solve the other half of the TLS handshake!

Ashley Davis, cert-manager maintainer

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Whose cert is it anyway? How to build TLS trust using cert-manager

Businesses  are moving  their operations to Kubernetes at a rapid rate, but we are on the cusp of a new deployment paradigm: the edge.

With the continued roll out of technologies such as Star Link, 5G deployment and general fiber across the world, we are able to bring connectivity to places we'd never thought possible, however this doesn't solve all our problems. There is a cost to moving data, not only monetarily, but in the reduction in response times to real world events. The edge aims to solve this by bringing compute ability ever closer to the locations generating data, but this also comes with complexities.

Join Civo CTO, Dinesh Majrekar, and Civo CEO, Mark Boost, as they walk you through the application deployments of old, cloud native processes of today and edge native deployments of the future. Learn about the challenges we are about to face with an edge first architecture and what we can do today to be ready.

Dinesh Majrekar, Civo CTO, and Mark Boost, Civo CEO

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Going Straight to the Edge

Many organizations adopt cloud native development practices with the goal of shipping features faster. The technologies and architectures may change when we move to the cloud, but the fact remains that we all still add the occasional bug to our code.

The challenge here is that many of your existing local debugging tools and practices can’t be used when everything is running in a container or deployed onto Kubernetes running in the cloud. This is where the open source Telepresence tool can help.

Join Daniel to learn about:

* Quick overview of remote-local ("remocal") options and tooling e.g. “kubectl port-forward”, Skaffold, ksync, Telepresence etc.

* An exploration of how Telepresence can “intercept” or reroute traffic from a specified service in a remote K8s cluster to your local dev machine

* The benefits of getting a “hot reload” fast feedback loop between applications being developed locally and apps running in the remote environment

Daniel Bryant, Head of DevRel, Ambassador Labs

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Debugging Microservices "Remocally" in Kubernetes with Telepresence

During this workshop, attendees will learn how to use a service mesh to monitor their applications in a way that's transparent, uniform across services, and provides detailed information about important application information such as HTTP routes and gRPC methods. Buoyant Tech Evangelist Flynn will demo a sample application that experiences intermittent, non-obvious errors, and continue by showcasing how to identify a specific failing service using the default tools Linkerd provides.

Flynn, Technical Evangelist for Linkerd & Emissary-ingress Maintainer

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Hands-on workshop: Service mesh observability with Linkerd

With hyperscale cloud computing, we now have near-infinite computing resources at our fingertips. But data centers emit as much CO2 as the global airline industry, and that will only increase with growing deployment of AI, smart cities, blockchain and other compute-intensive technologies.

Sustainability, GreenOps and Net Zero aren’t faraway concepts — what you build today directly impacts our planet and our future. How do you understand how to use resources most effectively, and will you create infrastructure that matters?

Cheryl Hung, Engineering Manager at Apple

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Keynote: Infrastructure Matters — Day 2

Catherine Paganini, co-creator and maintainer of the Cloud Native Glossary, will explain what the Glossary is, why you should use it, and how to contribute.

Officially launched at KubeCon NA 2021, the Cloud Native Glossary (glossary.cncf.io) aims at explaining complex technical terms in simple words. As cloud native becomes more mainstream, increasingly more people seek to understand what these technologies, approaches, and concepts mean. Whether searching for a service mesh definition or trying to understand what CI/CD is, we need a trusted source with definitions anyone can understand — even without a computer science degree.

Catherine Paganini, CNCF Cloud Native Glossary Maintainer

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Lighting talk: The Cloud Native Glossary: Trusted. Simple. Community-driven.

Ensuring Kubernetes is run securely and efficiently is an important part of maximizing the benefit of the platform. That’s where Kubernetes guardrails are playing an increasingly big part. Kubernetes guardrails allow developers to work with Kubernetes securely, in compliance and cost-effectively so their code can reach production without falling into common pitfalls. Guardrails help enforce policies at the platform level so that developers do not even need to consider what Kubernetes configurations need to be done. Instead, they build and deploy code, with a safety net.

How do you implement Kubernetes guardrails? In this session, Andy Suderman, CTO at Fairwinds and Stevie Caldwell, Senior SRE at Fairwinds show how to implement Kubernetes guardrails with the open source tool Polaris. He will show attendees a working cluster, implement guardrails and then use Polaris to show how DevOps teams can automate remediation.

This is a great session for those managing multiple clusters across teams who need a way to maximize the benefits of Kubernetes for development teams.

Andy Suderman, CTO at Fairwinds, Stevie Caldwell, Senior SRE at Fairwinds

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Getting Started with Kubernetes Guardrails with Polaris

What is Argo exactly? A collective of open source projects for building and managing continuous delivery workflows on Kubernetes, Argo is also backed by a flourishing community of passionate developers and contributors building the future of CI/CD. With over 30,000 GitHub stars and 750+ contributors across various projects, Argo was ranked the third most popular CNCF project in 2021, right there on the top, along with Kubernetes!

Join Regina Scott — an Argo CD maintainer, one of Argo's largest projects — as she discusses the history of Argo, its background, use cases, and how you can get involved and start contributing. Gain an overview of the different Argo projects, including Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Argo Events, Argo Rollouts, and other smaller projects, to see where you could fit best within the Argo community — we'd love to have you join us!

Regina Scott, Argo CD maintainer

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An introduction to Argo: What it is and why you should get involved

Shifting left and DevOps transformations have historically required engineers to learn new programming languages and paradigms. See how with Pulumi infrastructure as code, teams experienced in languages such as Python, JavaScript, C#, Go, Java, and YAML can become cloud engineers.

With these six pearls, bite-sized infrastructure as code programs, we’ll accomplish common operational tasks for deploying clusters, applications, a service mesh, and more. Join this workshop to learn how Pulumi can enable every engineer to be a cloud engineer.

Aaron Friel, Staff Software Engineer, Pulumi

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Hands-on workshop: Program the Cloud with Six Pearls in Six Languages using Pulumi

Innovation Day

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